Saturday, March 1, 2014

These 2 pictures are for you to tell us how feudalism worked and what was life like inside a manor.


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  2. POST 1 - A. The king was at the top in the FEUDAL SYSTEM. He gave land to the NOBLES (they were second in the feudal system) so the nobles gave the king MONEY AND KNIGHTS. The nobles gave the land which the king had given to them to the KNIGHTS (they were third in the feudal system) so the knights gave the nobles PROTECTION AND MILITARY SERVICE. The knights gave LAND AND PROTECTION to the PEASANTS (they were the last in the feudal system) so the peasants gave FOOD AND SERVICES to the knights.

    Franco Coronel.

  3. At the top of the pyramid was the king he give land to the Nobles so the nobles give money and prices to him. Under the king were the nobles that they give land to the knights in exchange of protection and military service . Later were the knights that they give land and protection to the peasants so the peasants give to them food and service.

    The king : He was the chief of the feudal army when they were in war-He could give especial taxes to the nobles-The principal rich of the king was his land-The people that follow him all the time were the court

    Sebastian Barrial

  4. The Feudal System was introduced to England following the invasion and conquest of the country by William I (The Conqueror).Feudalism became a way of life in Medieval England and remained so for many centuries.

    The barons etc. had to further divide up their land and these were 'given' to trusted Norman knights who had also fought well in battle. Each knight was given a segment of land to govern. He had to swear an oath to the baron, duke or earl, collect taxes when told to do so and provide soldiers from his land when they were needed. they had sworn an oath to their baron, they had really sworn an oath to the king. These lords worked to maintain law and order. The people in their land - or manors - were treated harshly and there was always the constant threat of Norman soldiers being used against the English people where ever they lived. The lords had to do their job well as unsuccessful ones could be removed from their position. Their job was simple - keep the English people in their place......under the control of the Normans. Under the Feudal System, these men, the knights, were called sub-tenants.

  5. Post 1 b:
    The parcel of land leased to a Baron by the King was known as a manor


    Most of the Barons who were given land by William the Conqueror, following his invasion and conquest of England in 1066, were French. They knew that many Saxons would be hostile to them and so they had to make sure that they could defend themselves. Many chose to build castles on their land and fill them with knights that, under the Feudal System, were obligated to protect the Baron and his family. Others build large manor houses.

    The Church

    The church was another central of the manor. The religion of the whole of Europe was Roman Catholic and it was a law that people went to church on a Sunday. Bishops and Archbishops were very wealthy and helped to govern the country. The local priests,were poorer and sometimes were not educated.

    Manor House

    The manor house was the home of the Baron. Manor houses were large, reflecting the wealth and status of the Lord. They often comprised several buildings and were sufficient, growing their own food and keeping animals in the grounds surrounding the house.


    The largest amount of land on the manor would be used by the villeins. Their house would be surrounded by a yard and a garden. This land would be used for growing crops and vegetables, a percentage of which would be given to a knight as 'payment' for their land. Villein's houses were one-roomed and the family shared the space with the animals.

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  7. Post 1B)

    The Manor house was give to the Barons by the Kings. The Barons lived in a large stone house called the manor house. They also were owners of the piece of land were the church was built.
    The peasants lived in houses that had near small gardens were they grew vegetables. Peasants had lot of work like, harvesting wheat that was takes to the mill and ground into flour, to make bread. They also made iron tools for farming and take care of the sheep that staid on fiels, to use their wool to make clothes.

